Sentivate AMA Recap

16 min readOct 13, 2020


October 2nd AMA Recap

AMA with The Sentivate Team & The ₿ Crew

Symph (AMA Moderator):

I also want to give a huge warm welcome to Matt Karasiewicz (CFO) , Jordy Manyoma (SYS ADMIN), StackingUSD ( Marketing Advisor) and Tom Marchi (Lead Developer). We’re delighted to have you guys us today. It would be great if everyone tell us a bit about themselves first before we start the AMA.

Matt Karasiewicz (CFO):

Hello all! I know I haven’t been interfacing a lot publicly until recently, but it’s been great getting more involved with the community instead of focusing solely on work from behind the scenes. I’m trying to make sure I get as much forward facing time as possible with the community so there’s still a good dialogue between the team and everyone. Tom use to be a lot more visible but he’s been very busy R&D wise with the team, so I’m trying to help out where I can besides just managing the finances :)

Tom Marchi (Lead Developer):

Hey all, I’m the lead dev and co-founder along with the other co-founder Matt. I have been a dev for well over a 10 years now. Every single line of code that goes up publicly I have seen and vetted before release so any tech related or code questions I can answer in full depth. I expect to be answering most of the questions everyone has today.

Symph (AMA Moderator):

It’s really pleasure to have you here. The community speaks for itself! Really appreciate the introductions. I can’t wait to learn more about Sentivate. Shall we start with a brief overview of what is Sentivate and what you guys are currently building and what problems it seeks to overcome?

Tom Marchi (Lead Developer):

In a nutshell, Sentivate is a modern re-imagining of the Web. It takes both centralized and decentralized worlds and finds a happy marriage between the two. It also includes what we all know is required for any future Web to exist and that’s a native cryptocurrency.

There is a plethora of issues that require solving but to summarize there are two main issues one is old technology and the other is economics.

Old tech needs not only to be removed but completely re-imagined as one cohesive system including its individual parts. We made 3 predictions that held true and further validated our views regarding outdated technology. I have spoken in depth on these in a few of my personal Twitter threads. I encourage folks to review the longer threads as they cover with good detail.

The second birds eye view issue is the bandwidth crisis that we finally got a taste of when COVID hit. As the implications for businesses, consumers, every day people, and governments are monumental if we don’t address these issues. This was again further confirmed given our predictions and of course various news agencies and businesses further covering the issue.

Symph (AMA Moderator):

I like the idea of Sentivate really amazing laying the foundation of the future web, but what makes Sentivate different and/or better than other competitors that are currently offering something similar, and who currently do you see as being a competitor?

Tom Marchi (Lead Developer):

Love this one because it’s something most folks don’t pick up on. In truth we actually don’t have any competitors. In fact any decentralized Web attempt is perfectly suitable for a happy marriage.

Where we collide is when Web 3.0 projects say that they will replace the modern Web and be even faster and so on.

The reality is that a decentralized blockchain based Web 3.0 no matter what you do or what improvements you make is limited by a basic design flaw and that involves ignoring the laws of physics. The shortest distance is a straight line between two points. When you take into account how these Dcntrl BC based Web 3.0 networks work we realize to make a simple request such as sending a message to my grandmother it must be first paid for and then a consensus process must occur for it to then be on the Network and fully propagated. Which means it needs to travel greater physical distances and the computational requirement and data involvement grow until consensus and then full propagation has completed. This basic design flaw is an unavoidable law that all such aforementioned networks encounter. This is the “privacy” focused “decentralized” toll that must be paid in order to have a functional well protected network it’s actually a factor of decentralization itself.

With that said all supposed competitors that we hear are actually friends. We want to show them the light for those that foolishly believe the law of physics don’t apply to networks. This is where ideology meets practicality and we hold the utilitarian view on the matter not the dogmatic one.

The reality is there must be balance within the force. As any Star Wars fan will note the Jedi and the Sith were in reality both required and thus a true view of the force is one of balance like Gray Jedi hold.

Now if we then look at the early attempts at conceptualizing and characterizing a quantum particle we see again the same thing. Once side says Particle like the other Wave like. Eventually one man proposed the only sane and logical conclusion and that’s particle wave duality. Which is that they were both correct but only describing one side of the same coin.

We take this hybrid view and apply to the Web. We realize that both sides have pluses and very concerning negatives. Thus a sensible middle ground is required for any true solution to take hold.

With that said we offer a lot of technology that these supposed competitors can take advantage of and make their own networks more performant. These technologies are also that which starts setting us apart immediately from any other decentralized Web. For example we are building our own data transport protocol and not to be confused with the over used “protocol” term just for starters. We haven’t seen one do such a thing yet.

To summarize competitors can work with us to build a true replacement but make no mistake about it we are the only ones truly taking this from a realistic and viable perspective in regards to a Web replacement.

Symph (AMA Moderator):

In regards to some of the browsers currently out there like Safarai, Chrome and Brave, how does Sentivate and the Universal Web compare in terms of speed?

Tom Marchi (Lead Developer):

Safari is very similar to Chomes engine and most of the codebase is the same as at one point Chrome was using WebKit it technically still is. Google forked WebKit and renamed it to Blink and then stripped it of Mac specific code.

Brave is also based on Chrome as it uses just like us Electron for its browser shell.

This means that as Safari, Chrome, and Brave are updated so are we nearly instantly by simply updating our Electron Node module.

With that said. We intend to support far more networks and dApps than any of the three. We’ll also have full torrent downloading and streaming support. Right now you can test out Torrent magnet link streaming right from our browser with a single click.

Most of all our browser can access the Universal Web.

We also provide users with the ability to embed WWW sites into a UW site and modify it while ignoring browser security rules for it. This opens large doors for developers to make extremely interesting fast apps and sites. We also have various feature that speed up many sites today by storing most used libraries, fonts, and icons ahead of time.

There’s truly an endless list of options that simply won’t be offered by other browsers. Make no mistake though our browser is just the interface for our Network. It’s a way for users to interact with and view the Universal Web and Viat. Those are the true gems not the browser.

We also have various features that speed up many sites today by storing most used libraries, fonts, and icons ahead of time.

To be blunt the speed is same or better for all sites. Especially with a rolling release schedule.

Symph (AMA Moderator):

Sentivate uses both Centralized and Decentralized web, could you tell us what’s the problem with decentralized web? Why not sentivate go completely with decentralized web?

Tom Marchi (Lead Developer):

I answered this in the last long response regarding the inherent physics problem that limits such networks.

In short. Such networks send out multitudes more data and require more computation on the same data while also requiring that it must travel to more points especially during consensus.

A simple request of messaging your grandmother grows exponentially as the data and computation involved is required for it to become part of the blockchain.

Some Decentralized blockchain based alternatives have already admitted to the faults and limitations of such systems and Waves if I recall correctly is one of those entities. Coincidentally after of course we were operating and our info was being put out. So they made certain parts of the system/process centralized. None the less this doesn’t solve the issue at all and will not put perform any Hybrid service using Universal Web technology.

Decentralized Blockchain based Webs also across the board simply do not acknowledge or aren’t aware of the true deeply technical issues of the Web and the Internet. Which is not the topology meaning if it’s centralized or decentralized it’s actually far more pressing matters that we predicted and said with near certainty would be addressed and in a very specific way that eventually happed. HTTP3 was our prediction prior to Google even suggesting QUIC as part of that new package.

Make Note: WE SAID CUSTOM UDP PROTOCOLS ARE THE ONLY VIABLE FUTURE FOR THE WEB. That’s exactly what HTTP3 is in part because of Google’s QUIC protocol.

For us this can be decided by the service. They can chose to either utilize a decentralized blockchain technology or make use of what we suggest. Which is a hybrid model but primarily focused on a centralized service backed up and enhanced by additional decentralized systems. This is the only model that can be truly faster than the Web we have today while helping mitigate the bandwidth crisis.

Again I’d suggest going back to my previous comment here that goes more in-depth regarding our hybrid view including from a philosophical vantage point.

Symph (AMA Moderator):

Moving onto another question a lot of people asked, what gives the $SNTVT token value, what is its utility, and how does it benefit holders?

Tom Marchi (Lead Developer):

Solid question and an old but common one. First I suggest to go to our Telegram and search the various answers and info I have given in the past regarding this.

With that said there’s a lot of current and upcoming utility as well as the token itself serving as a mechanism for growth and adoption.

First I’ll start with the logical reasoning from an adoption and growth perspective. In regards to adoption we needed incentive for sites, apps, and exchanges to eventually integrate Viat into their systems. Because we are building a new Web (The Universal Web) and Viat relies on that technology it’s imperative that they adopt it as well. Which means that all the major to little exchanges that we are on will eventually adopt Universal Web technology. The token itself since it’s on their platform and trading naturally will want to take advantage of and participate in the Viat swap. Thus creating a logical and economical incentive for them to undergo adoption efforts. The swap is mandatory and the SNTVT will be burned and of course replaced with a Viat listing. This strategy also applies to average users of SNTVT.

In a nutshell the implications of utilizing the token then swap route results in growth hacking and mass adoption post swap.

Another reason is that we wanted SNTVT holders to have be able to reasonably exert control over the development and governing process. With the new Governance being formed on (The upcoming new home for the Sentivate Network) many holders will be given seats and represent sectors of the public and can introduce laws and agendas for all things Universal Web. We recognized that the destiny of the new Web must be in the hands of the people who use it yet there must also be rational mechanisms in place to ensure it’s not abused, corrupted, or taken over by a pure democracy voting system where the majority determines the fate of the minority which could be 49% of the users. This is the issue for many decentralized Webs that leave it up to a certain % and could institute any law. They also have a sort of God class that is the devs and of course the owners. Which should be given higher authority on matters but not complete or in a way that shuts out everyone else. Each SNTVT is essentially a vote of control that can be made and when the new governance model is in full effect will drastically shift the destiny of the project to a decentralized democratic republic with checks and balances. The Web today is stagnant in updates because of the way things are decided for the rest of us. It’s decided by large corporate entities and governments primarily and depending on the country one may be above the other. This can’t be a viable solution for the Web and the bandwidth crisis, decades old technology, and the entity that controls domains being ICANN is evidence of that. In a nutshell SNTVT and the new governance model coming into effect is our first shot and test run of this new form of technocratic democratic republic around the Web.

We see the Universal Web as a sort of digital country or even planet. It must be designed to foster growth not just in terms of the information to be shared but also in the technologies it operates on. Another key point is that centralized checks and balances are also there to ensure it operates to protect individual freedoms while putting a stop to horrible wrongs such as human trafficking. This is a big part of the effort for compliance with the US Gov. We intend to ensure the US Gov and others approve of it and support it because it’s logical and economical to do so.

A key point out of governance is that in order to take advantage of Viat and enforce the above scenario only SNTVT holders will be able to immediately take advantage of Viat and be able to mine on the Network. We have artifacts and what we call districts on our network.

Districts are used to mine on the network and require a certain amount of Viat to be enabled. This allows a wallet holder to act as a full Node.

Since the release process of Viat is very small and slow it’ll take years for even half of it to reach circulation. Therefore only holders of SNTVT will be initially granted access to mine and of course be able to obtain Viat. Prior to the swap a snapshot will be taken which shows what wallets had SNTVT and the amounts and only the wallets that initially pass a threshold of Viat at the moment of swap are allowed to initially be part of the beta process for miners.

There are economic metrics involved in this question regarding the swap and value but I make an effort not to comment on such things and let organic activity do it’s job.

There are also various opportunities and events that only SNTVT holders can take advantage of. For example a BTC/ETH/SNTVT giveaway or contests for art, computer hardware (GPUs), and various tech items.

When certain events, apps, or a beta process are made available only SNTVT holders can take advantage of it.

Typically only SNTVT holders that meet a threshold and holding time period are permitted to participate in many of our events and giveaways. Some are for the public but the large ones have only been for holders.

Essentially to take advantage of most of the value that comes with Viat will be largely restricted to SNTVT holders initially. The same goes for the Universal Web.

When voting goes public a large holder could be the deciding factor on listing for a major exchange. Which there are some that can be done but will be saved for the public release of Universal Web governance.

Symph (AMA Moderator):

I know sentivate has some big partnership including Nord VPN, Templar Titan, and recently with Parachute could you tell us more about any new partnerships/listings in the pipeline?

Tom Marchi (Lead Developer):

That would be NordVPN Teams specifically (They retweeted my personal tweet of it). We are talking to various entities, but at this time it wouldn’t be right to comment.

With that said we are speaking with many active crypto projects and of course companies that intend on adopting UW tech or that we wish to integrate into our systems. This also includes a well known crypto exchange which we have spoken with for quite sometime regarding UW tech adoption in part or in full.

We welcome any crypto project that would like to work with us and integrate into any of our products or theirs. We see either option as a potential opportunity for growth.

Symph (AMA Moderator):

Moving onto last question what motivates you, and what major milestones sentivate hoping to achieve in next 2 year?

Tom Marchi (Lead Developer):

I absolutely love what I do. I love to build, design, and create. I started learning to code at about 8 years old so I have been here for a long time doing all sorts of things over the years. I have seen the Web rise and I have seen parts of it fall or be attacked. I know how it works from the inside and out and sadly the only thing that has truly changed is everything but the core technologies that need to be gutted. This has been a life long passion in the making and I expect many more years of it. Everyone on the team involved with building feels as strongly as I do about this initiative. That’s a skill that we all share.

December is our Beta soft launch of the Universal Web. It will be a hectic event for us but I’m sure for many an exciting and nail biting event.

After that Viat development becomes more of a primary focus as we slowly shift over assets to focus on purely the development of Viat.

In a nutshell — Partnerships, growth, listings, and products. That’s what’s ahead for us. Next year Viat will grow to be more of our focus and will have info for both of the major sides of the network on it.

The most to be expected is code as always our code releases are typically thousands of lines long. Mostly focused on the foundation for now but shortly the surface.

Symph (AMA Moderator):

I can imagine, I’m waiting impatiently for the upcoming development of the sentivate project, It’s been a pleasure having you guys today.

Thanks for taking the time out to be with us.

Post-AMA Questions

Question: What is your proposal regarding security? A situation that has recently affected many CEX, Twitter, etc.

Identity certificates will act as a way to cryptographically authenticate yourself on the network after being signed by identity registrar. This is where multiple ephemeral identity certificates are attached and signed by a master identity certificate and identity registrar. This is where your web identity is stored and validated for you and allows no other parties to access your identity.

Question: Hey mate. “In regards to US authorities taking down the website of Bitmex. Could this happen to a UW hosted website?” Thanks!

If the site is breaking the law in anyway then it will be subject to those laws and the appropriate measures. This goes for any jurisdictions if there’s legitimately any issues taking place.

Question: Hey Tom Marchi, I had a question of my own in my mind! When looking into pooling liquidity on Uniswap in the past it’s always seemed pretty complex and in turn caused me to not do it. How does liquidity mining on ParJar wallet simplify the process so that anybody can easily do this and can you tell more on these Staking numbers. These numbers looks so good, will it remain the same or could be changed on certain conditions?

The team over at Parachute with ParJar have a very easy to use interface you can engage with direct from telegram to stake on Uniswap for the liquidity pools. A quick read of the commands and you’re good to go to directly interface with all custom UI.

Question: Is it possible to get some insights about Sentivates future marketing plans? These days some hints were already given (about hiring a PR company) but could you specify in which direction the team is planning to expand their marketing efforts?

Right now the main focus is curating content that’s an easily digestible blueprint to share on traditional web spaces for articles and interviews. As you know, the project is very technical and it’s tough to contend with the fact there needs to be a lot of education that occurs.

About Sentivate

Sentivate is the future of the Web. Sentivate is a hybrid web built to be a viable & realistic replacement for the modern web. A faster, safer, & more scalable than any solely centralized or decentralized web.

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Written by Sentivate

Sentivate is a hybrid web built to be a viable replacement for the modern web. Faster, safer, & more scalable than any solely centralized or decentralized web.

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