28 min readFeb 13, 2021


Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

D. | Satoshi Club: hello Satoshi club!

Tom | Sentivate: Hello everybody I am Thomas Marchi, Co-Founder & Lead Developer of Sentivate.

D. | Satoshi Club: today we are welcoming our guests from Sentivate @WhoseForgotten @Prod_Value @SentivateMod @TomMarchi hello guys! welcome to Satoshi club!

Prod: Hello Satoshi Club!

Value Whose: Thank you for having us. Excited to be here today in Satoshi Club!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello again, Satoshiclubbers! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Sentivate ! @WhoseForgotten @Prod_Value
@SentivateMod @TomMarchi welcome to Satoshi Club:grinning:

D. | Satoshi Club: hello, hello guys! please introduce yourselves and tell us briefly about your project! :blush:

Tom | Sentivate: We over here at Sentivate have a very special Announcement to make. We have JUST launched three new pools in concurrence with today’s Satoshi Club AMA which can be viewed at:

The full details of the program can be viewed at:

I will let the Value team take over and talk about their project and products for now and comeback to Sentivate when they are finished 🙂

Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow, super:+1: can you tell us more about this pools?)

Tom | Sentivate: This link will lead directly to them:

Starting at November 2, 2020
Block Timer:
DAI <> SNTVT at a 2/98 Ratio
The DAI <> SNTVT 2/98 Pool will be dubbed the “SNTVT-Staking Pool.” For the protection of Liquidity Providers this pool will have a lock-up of 7 days. This pool will run initially for 32 weeks and distribute a total of 75,000,000 SNTVT Tokens.
10% of tokens staked during the stated period will be unlocked immediately for claiming. The other 90% tokens will be unlocked after 32 weeks, then unlocked linearly every block for 10 days.
USDC <>SNTVT at a 40/60 Ratio
The USDC <> SNTVT 40/60 Pool was chosen to give outside LPs an extra incentive to provide liquidity and to be a lower risk pool; less affected by impermanent loss. This pool will run initially for 16 weeks and distribute a total of 90,000,000 SNTVT Tokens.
10% of tokens staked during the stated period will be unlocked immediately for claiming. The other 90% tokens will be unlocked after 16 weeks, then unlocked linearly every block for 10 days.
wBTC <>SNTVT at a 50/50 Ratio
The wBTC <> SNTVT 50/50 pool will run initially for 16 weeks and distribute a total of 95,000,000 SNTVT Tokens.
10% of tokens staked during the stated period will be unlocked immediately for claiming. The other 90% tokens will be unlocked after 16 weeks, then unlocked linearly every block for 10 days.

Prod: Hi Satoshi Club, on behalf of Value DeFi thank you for allowing us to be a part of this AMA. For those unfamiliar with our fairly-new project, Value DeFi is a decentralized finance protocol whose mission is to make DeFi safe and accessible to everyone. We design every step with the intention of simplicity and peace of mind for our users.

For users unfamiliar with decentralised finance, DeFi is an unconventional method to banking and everything finance. An up-and-coming industry, fighting the corruption of the centralised banking world. Sadly, the current DeFi sector unfairly gives advantages to those with large amounts of capital and technical proficiency. Not to mention the countless projects that offer very different products, confusing any potential new user. At Value DeFi, we pride ourselves to be the first project to bring them all under one platform. Simply a “one-stop-shop” for everything DeFi. Our product line includes: Governance Vault, Value Vaults, our very own decentralised exchange — Value Liquid, and the product which has built this amazing partnership with the Sentivate Project, farms-as-a-service or FaaS.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great, thank you) tell me what products do you have?

Prod: Value DeFi’s team is building such sophisticated contracts that becoming a new DeFi investor has become almost autonomous. Simply deposit your tokens into any of our cutting-edge products, and let our smart-contracts do all the work for you. Under our project, no matter how big or how small, generating profit on your capital has never been so safe and efficient. At Value DeFi your safety and profit are our top priority, and everyone is welcome.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Which one of the pools is more profitable?)

Value Whose: The pools are currently live and calculations for most profitable will be shown soon but WBTC/SNTVT pair does have the most rewards for those providing liquidity.

Mary | Satoshi Club: It’s interesting when we can mix technologies with profit)

Prod: This partnership is the genesis for an entirely new service. We are very proud and excited to share it with Sentivate.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Does this event have any timeframes?)

Value Whose: The pools for Sentivate will last a minimum of 8 weeks. And could go on for as long as 35 weeks!

Tom | Sentivate: Maybe even more 🙂

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, we will have a lot of time to join, earn and enjoy :+1:

Prod: And, from Sentivate’s announcement above, these pools are currently open for all users!

D. | Satoshi Club: nice! lots of time for liquid mining:blush:

Prod: Before we hand over the stage to our fantastic partners, we have prepared a detail summary for what this partnership is about

Now to discuss the product that has brought us here today, farms-as-a-service. FaaS is one of the latest innovative concepts to stem from the Value DeFi development team. We are very excited to be working with Sentivate as the first partnership on this new platform. FaaS will be the first of its kind, a liquidity mining contract designed to assist any project in safely distributing their tokens. To make this process as simplistic and safe as possible, currently in development is the FaaS Pool Creation UI. Soon any project will be able to utilise this interface to create their own unique liquidity pools. Projects will have the ability to control their desired pairs and ratios between the tokens, plus customize the exchange fees for any trading using those tokens.

Our plan for FaaS are very ambitious, so the UI will be available in 2 phases. The first phase of FaaS is for projects which have already succeeded in launching their tokens and want to use FaaS tech to bootstrap their liquidity mining to distribute their tokens, such as Sentivate. First phase is almost ready, live testing of the UI is currently undergoing. The second phase provides a complete customization package for projects who wish to create their yield farming token from scratch.

As our mission is user safety and accessibility, FaaS has an underlying key security feature for user assets. In conventional yield-farming, tokens are first required to be locked away to receive a Liquidity Pair Token. At Value DeFi, these are called VLP tokens. A Liquidity Pair Token is used to enter pools to start yield-farming. The security issue this imposes is that users essentially send away their assets to receive these tokens. Having no direct access or control over them. With Value DeFi’s FaaS, assets now stay directly into the pool being farmed, and the VLP ownership tokens stay entirely in the pool, attached to your Ethereum address. FaaS gives direct control back to its users, preventing any chance of their assets being stolen.

I hope the viewers enjoy a nice reading, after a few minutes my associate will announce our little treat for everyone reading.

Value Whose: In honor of this partnership, we have created this NFT to be given away during the AMA to 3 lucky members in Satoshi Club. Here is the talented artist from our Value community that has created this NFT for a partnership of the ages between Value and Sentivate.

D. | Satoshi Club: wow beautiful work!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Is Sentivate the first project you made such kind of partnership with?)

Prod: It definitely is, we are very privileged to start this platform off with such an amazing team like Sentivate. They are the first partnership, and certainly not the last.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Congratulations with such exciting beginning :+1::confetti_ball:

Value Whose: Thank you and with FaaS more safe liquidity mining pools will be open for any project who wishes to launch their own token distribution through FaaS. Complete customization with pool ratios, swap fees and unique deflationary tokens such as CORE.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Sure, i think you will have a lot of partnerships very soon)

Prod: I can tell the Sentivate team are itching to speak, so I’d like to thank everyone again for allowing us to be here today, and reading our technical summary, which basically turned into a novel. We will provide details to our NFT giveaway at the end. I’d like to present the Sentivate Team!

D. | Satoshi Club: projects needs some requirements to be launch through FaaS?

Value Whose: The FaaS creation UI will be available soon for any project wanting to use the service free of charge and no barrier for entry.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you for being with us:+1: it was very informative and i think we will definitely meet with your project in the future) see you later)

Tom | Sentivate: The Sentivate Network is a hybrid network that incorporates both a centralized and decentralized approach to its architecture. This is because the project aims to merge both worlds’ best and achieve the best user experience, speed, reliability, and security. It’s important to note that Sentivate is composed of two networks with opposite topology one The Universal Web & the other Viat. They have opposite topological balances.
The problem is the current system was designed a long time ago. Since then, the World Wide Web has evolved into a global scale interconnected communication with ever-increasing demand and use-cases. Besides communication, the modern Web has enabled economic globalization, but the outdated protocols aren’t equipped to handle this ever-increasing demand.
This has created a bandwidth crisis that threatens to compromise net neutrality to resume business as usual. Sentivate Network wants to solve this issue by creating new protocols to revolutionize existing components.
You can read up on some of these specific issues over at:
Originally we were designing Sentivate to be a solution for private government intranets or private Webs. After going through the web’s many faults and finding that many vulnerabilities were inherent, we slowly started to change direction. Eventually, we realized the scope of what we were building and what was actually being created. As we continued to research solutions for things like built-in congestion control for packets, cryptocurrency started to move into the mix. Decentralized aspects were initially part of the original design as it improved the availability of static assets and increased scalability and centralized services.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Can I say it will be something like WEB3?

Tom | Sentivate: Not exactly. We shy away from that term although it’s easy to use and it helps get some of the points across. However, we are in direct opposition to all current Web 3.0 platforms which are solely decentralized and blockchain based. More on that here I got into detail regarding that view and the issues.

D. | Satoshi Club: so you guys want to reinvent internet? 😉

Tom | Sentivate: It would be more precise to say the Web as the Internet is more of the hard infrastructure that connects everything together. The Web is more of the software side. For those interested in looking at the difference between the two if you search for the difference between the Web and Internet you’ll find a great deal of technical and some simple articles that elaborate on this.

Here are some helpful links for this interested Internet is a global,on top of that infrastructure.

We find things very amusing when seeing projects that claim a new Internet but they really mean Web. However, we do have hardware related proposals but those are behind closed doors for now and are for much later down the road.

Mary | Satoshi Club: I know what i will read during this rainy days:+1:

D. | Satoshi Club: ohhh thank you! it will help me understand these things! 😊

Tom | Sentivate:

Value Whose:

currently the most profitable still (;

Q1 from Telegram user @nerddutch

The project has a revolutionary approach as opposed to an evolutionary one. Also, you require hardware modification to the existing internet. What modifications exactly? how much funds does this require?

Tom | Sentivate: Let me address the question itself first. In related to the Web there are only software related changes and those are our primary concerns right now. The software bits are the only thing that will be related to Sentivate.
We have proposed hardware additions for the Internet to make it safer and more effective at dealing with cyber related crimes none the less is a separate piece entirely and as noted above are behind closed doors. What I can say is they function in a similar way to black boxes and there are two types we are suggesting but that would be for discussions with NSPs and ISPs. It doesn’t play a role here and what we are concerned with now.

The question I think may be a bit confused with what we are doing and what we have as hardware proposals for the long term. We don’t require any new hardware to summarize.

Mary | Satoshi Club: And what are you concerned with now?

Tom | Sentivate: All the software bits. The Web is a very complicated place. There are many components that make the Web what it is today some are HTTP, DNS, TLS, Browsers, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Servers, Clients, and new additions such as cryptocurrency which we believe has become a new focal point for any new Web to emerge out of what we have now. There are many aspects to the Web that make it less intuitive, safe, private, and performant. Our focus is precisely on all the components that are causing these issues. Including adding additional components wether that be cryptocurrency, decentralized components, or blockchain all of which we have additions for.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, you have a lot of work to do :+1:

D. | Satoshi Club: by the way as i see you are not so active on your github, you have 10 repositories there and most of them (8 of 10) were last time updated more than a year ago. why that? don’t need to improve anything there?

Tom | Sentivate: Yes, we don’t allow anyone to publish code to the GitHub besides our main account. We typically do large commits and follow by a few small patches. If you look at our actual code updates and commits you’d see it’s in the 10s of thousands of lines pushed at a single time. Rather than committing a bunch of small stuff it’s better in our case considering the scope of the project to push in large patches.

We have Utility libraries they don’t need changing or updating they are for doing things like looping through objects and such. Essentially things you’d do with just about every project and thus the code remains the same for it.

Q2 from Telegram user @crypto_zones

Your VIA swap has a deflation rate 1000:1. I tried to read more about this but didn’t understand. What does 1000:1 mean? Is it sustainable?

Tom | Sentivate: VIAT** & yes it means that for 1000 SNTVT you will receive 1 VIAT.

It just means for every 1000SNTVT that turns into 1 Viat. It’s essentially the same thing nothing changes besides the measurement. For example if you go to your doctor and he prescribes you 1000mg pill and then you go the next time and he writes one for 1 gram instead. Nothing changed just uses a different name and measurement.
This is primarily related to how we want to keep the Viat swap small and the release cycle super slow and as small as possible. While ensuring value in the decimal ranges.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, that’s simple. For what reasons did you decide to do this swap?

Tom | Sentivate: The primary reason is of course to bring folks over to our native cryptocurrency Viat. Viat is deeply connected with the Universal Web and it’s important to have full flexibility there and doing that on any pre-existing network wouldn’t cut it. Although we have some ideas like how you could potentially mine Viat on ETH via a smart contract but that’s food for thought and a discussion if it becomes a desired method.
Since Viat is so deeply wired into the UW and example being packet Puzzles, identity certificates, and domain certificates we need ultimate flexibility and thus swapping to Viat is the only logical choice so that we aren’t tied into Ethereum.

Q3 from Telegram user @POSITIV8TY

What’s Sentivate economic model and how will its architecture ensure scarcity of the $SNTVT token and help to growth token price?

Tom | Sentivate: We have been very consistent on this note. When we are speaking about “price” we can’t answer in any capacity. Hence why we tend to restrict it even in our own community chats. There is a very gray legal line there and we won’t be crossing it any time soon.
With that said in the short-term in regards to technological value changes we are doing a soft launch of the Universal Web in December.
There after our focus shifts to Viat which will then shift SNTVT into Viat and for right now all SNTVT will be burned. The economic models behind Viat is essentially the network design when both the UW and Viat are put together.
That full picture is extremely complicated because it’s two separate networks with their own mechanisms and even self-sustaining model.

With that all said I suggest looking at the upcoming Viat white paper. The White paper will discuss many of the mechanisms like mining, artifacts, and districts which is unique to Viat, especially the last two.

The pools as mentioned prior are also a technological value add but not to be confused with price discussion.

D. | Satoshi Club: when we will see this white paper?

Tom | Sentivate: It’s set for early 2021 as the year of Viat is so far sat for 2021.

Mary | Satoshi Club: What do you mean by Soft Launch of Universal Web?

Tom | Sentivate: The first network out of the two is the Universal Web — this is our replacement for the World Wide Web and our main network. Think of the UW as the foundation. A soft launch is essentially training wheels and a learning period to figure things out that may come when out to the public. During this time the public and community can have things altered and changed quickly and we can test things out without much worry. Once the standard is set though it’ll become more difficult so this is a learning period for the network with fast modifications. A fail fast recover quick mindset similar to startups.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Everyone will be able to test it?)

Tom | Sentivate: Yes, technically everyone could test it now but this is when our core systems go up so they’ll be testing our core systems/components at that point.

Q4 from Telegram user @ion_cristescu

Sentivate has a hybrid topology which incorporates both centralized and decentralized topologies. What exactly is centralized and what is decentralized? Can the centralized part be a vulnerability?

Tom | Sentivate: On that note I’d be far more worried about a decentralized network being vulnerable than a centralized one in comparison. The topology isn’t relevant rather how you build it is. In our case we have a lot of checks and balances so this is much less of a concern for us. All computer systems have some sort of vulnerability that’s part of life but on that notion the Rust language from Mozilla is a step in the right direction. It finally addresses the many issues that plague software built by languages that don’t take security seriously.
We do have plans for Rust and from the software side it should make things very secure. I expect during the soft launch that we learn a lot regarding which parts of the network could use improvement and extra features we may want.

D. | Satoshi Club: could you elaborate on your hybrid topology?

Tom | Sentivate: Yes, so we have two networks the Universal Web (UW) and Viat. The UW is centralized focused with decentralized bits as back-up or to further enhance the network. This is very important because of the inherent design flaws of decentralized blockchain based Webs that will never be capable of competing with our current centralized WWW. It’s actually a rather simple physics/logic problem.
Viat is decentralized and blockchain based but the chain is more like a well organized tree similar to a DAG. Viat also has additional centralized systems that provide extra features like wallet security.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Which concerns do you have?

Tom | Sentivate: In regards to a decentralized network the primary concerns are the consensus and mining process. For centralized networks, simply put access.

Q5 from Telegram user @julioceazar

Nowadays, most people heard about ‘dApps’ are, but what is ‘hApps’ that you market on your website. What is the difference?

Tom | Sentivate: hApps was a very early term and we still use it but that would only be for apps which are hybrid apps. Meaning they offer both centralized and decentralized technologies in their app which can be configured in anyway the developer so chooses with some preference and option given to clients. Depending on what a dev goes with the difference could be vast or it could be small. However, the key difference is that hApps make use of both worlds and don’t shy away from either but it also doesn’t force you into a mindset or at worse an ideology.

We tend to use the term Universal Web Apps or UWA or UA more but we do still use hApp from time to time.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Can you give an example of hApp?

Tom | Sentivate: Yep, let’s say you have a website that shows wallpapers. When a user connects to your site it may force the user to instead use a Peer-2-Peer CDN in addition to it’s own servers.
This is an example where a rather simple app is using two different topologies to maximize the user experience. This is especially useful in cases where the central servers are being bogged down.

Q6 from Telegram user @leixagarcia

How will the search engines work in Sentivate? Any difference with the one we all know?

Tom | Sentivate: We are working on again a revolutionary change regarding search engines. Something that will save search engines and sites a lot of potential resources which can also work on the WWW. By first providing a standardized way for search engines to pull data from sites and then a standard format for sites. This is also tied into what is useful for our sight impaired users.
We would like a more public and decentralized version of search engines to take a foothold on the UW. The big guy lets call him Mr.Ggle we intend to work with if it were ever required but we want to ensure we give users the ability to get legit information without it being edited or removed.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Good buy Google?:joy:

Tom | Sentivate: Haha we expect them to still stick around but to what degree that only they would have a full idea of.

D. | Satoshi Club: what problems a new engine will be solve? can you give an example? if it’s not a secret ofc

Tom | Sentivate: The biggest one is the selective editing and removal of information. In the US we have seen the Gov have a sort of public hearing on that matter and I’d direct folks to that first in order to get an idea of how big of a problem this is becoming. It would be especially interesting if regulations come into play there.
I’ll avoid giving direct examples as there are some legal concerns there. This is in regards to the selective editing and or removal or information or links.

In regards to a technological concern here are a few. When crawling a site it would be best to instead return a MSGPack or JSON object that is an organized representation of the Web Page instead of all the HTML content. A sort of good faith measurement can take place after the fact if the web pages true content matches the data pulled via the standardized method we are implementing. This provides some quick decisions regarding the algorithm and site ranking.
Another point the ties in with the above is more of a plus by doing it our way. You end up saving a ton on resources for both your network and theirs and don’t require very complex software to decipher the web page.

In a nutshell it’s sort of a public transparent search engine for the UW.

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @DiegoRME

How much is the minimum $SNTVT I need to have to be able to participate in your POOLS? How long does it take to claim recommendations and remove the POOL balance?

Value Whose: You need sntvt and the other pairing token to add liquidity and the exact ratios for that pool in the $ amount.

Tom | Sentivate: Check our Twitter post for more in-depth for this but essentially they actually have a decentralized “brain” to keep it short. They have computational units all over them and still a core one.

Prod: No minimum, as long as the ratio requirement is met. For example, the VALUE/SNTVT pool is 50/50. You can deposit any amount of tokens as long as the $dollar amount of both are 50/50.

Q2 from Telegram user @Maksyrn

Anyone unfamiliar with technology with Internet access will be able to use Sentivate?

Tom | Sentivate: Yes, as Sentivate is a Web+crypto. If you can use a Web browser you can use The Universal Web. If you can use cryptocurrency then you can use Viat.

Q3 from Telegram user @apocan99

Is your browser compatible with every technology currently needed on the web, such as Web3.0, JavaScript, Java, Flash, Frame/iFrame, etc.?

Tom | Sentivate: Yep although I highly suggest you don’t use Java or Flash on the Web ever again and suggest that you disable them from browser access. In regards to compatibility we are using Electron which is what Brave uses and countless others. We share the same base as Chrome which means it’s the same base as Edge, Opera, Brave, and others. With still a great deal of similarity with Webkit based browsers like Safari, any browser that uses Chrome tech is basically using all the work that was put into Webkit and then google forked and called it blink.

Q4 from Telegram user @BJosefina61

Why does Universal Web require a native token like SNTVT or VIAT? How are the two currencies different?

Tom | Sentivate: I’d point this to the founder of Twitter Jack as he put it bluntly. Which was that essentially cryptocurrency would bring about a new Web. Crypto has become a much needed part of the Web and is here to stay. The differences are vast our code base for Viat started with a white page and isn’t a fork of anything.

Q5 from Telegram user @NSQEA

I understand that the Faas plan will be executed in two phases, according to this phase one is about to start, in this sense, you have an estimated time of when the second phase will be ready?

Prod: Thanks for the question. Since Phase 2 is significantly more sophisticated, it will take a few weeks longer. We don’t like putting specific dates down in case of interruptions that halt development.
With this question I can announce to all my Value DeFi readers that the November Road-Map is being put together currently, also no-date for release, but will feature another round of amazing innovative concepts, notably our new vUSD Lending Platform concept.

Q6 from Telegram user @chelyabinsk_crypto

What kind of plans do you have with the expansion to the US, who has rather strict regulations towards crypto in general and especially towards privacy-related tokens?

Tom | Sentivate: Me, Matt, and Lew are based in the US. None the less we didn’t ICO etc and we have stayed within regulations best we could. We setup an entity in Wyoming as they have some crypto friendly movement there. I expect this to be the case for the coming years. The US will get more and more crypto friendly but first it’ll get a bit bumpy.

Q7 from Telegram user @surendra040

What are your motivations of the project? Do you have any story behind it ?

Tom | Sentivate: We were building an Intranet that we intended to be for private government buildings/installations for example say a DHS building that has a network which is only accessible inside. Over time we knew we had to expand the scope of the project to eliminate threats. We wanted a system that was made of components meant and designed to work with each other. There is a much more fun and interesting story behind that but maybe one better done over voice instead of text.

Q8 from Telegram user @NataliyaKil

Why is your roadmap only 21% complete in October? Are you having a disagreement on this in your community or are having difficulties with partners?

Sentivate Mod: Roadmaps are not updated dynamically but quarterly

Q9 from Telegram user @ngoccam

Talking about Liquidity Providers, there was some attacks in past, so how could Sentivate protect FaaS Pools on Value DeFi such as DAI | SNTVT; USDC | SNTVT, wBTC | SNTVT?

Value Whose: User’s funds still stay at the pool and their ownership tokens in our case VLP (similar to BPT or UNIv2) stay 100% at the pool. It is safer than normal yield farming projects where you stake these pool ownership tokens on a different platform. With Value and FaaS it is all done on a single platform in which you start earning rewards immediately as well.

Q10 from Telegram user @BeastIncarnate7

How do you plan to become “Universal “‘ ??

Tom | Sentivate: This is a great question. A lot of planning went into “How would a Web that was on a bunch of planets across the Universe have to work?”. This is played a huge role in deciding how components would work and the hybrid nature of the network. It even plaid a role in our custom UDP protocol design. As you know WE ARE THE ONLY WEB replacement initiative with our own custom built from the ground up reliable real-time UDP protocol built to replace HTTP for data transport. Something that is over used a lot is in crypto is the word protocol when in reality they mean more of network design or an API. HTTPS and QUIC are “real” protocols the rest are just using the term loosely maybe to sound cool.

Q11 from Telegram user @bitgraile

Any plans to integrate SNTVT as a built-in in computer devices or any partnerships with tech companies in the future?

Tom | Sentivate: We are indeed approaching a tech company and we spoke with them prior but knew the deal wouldn’t be in our favor so we built us up to that point instead. Now we know going to them will be a much better deal this time around. When we first spoke to them we didn’t even have a website.

Q12 from Telegram user @Gutike95

Could you really tell us a little more about the features of hApps? I understand that they are more beneficial than developing dApps or web applications and they are more robust, but what makes it up? and does it have any disadvantages? or is it just win-win?

Tom | Sentivate: It’s win-win in regards to capabilities and could be a win-win regarding security, reliability, availability, and performance if the Dev’s chose and design their app as such. Like all things it’s up to the wielder of the weapon to display graceful skill with their weapon of choice. You can only do so much before it turns into limitations and restrictions.
With that said I will summarize it
IMAGINE WALKING ACROSS A BRIDGE THAT BUILT ITSELF WITH EACH STEP YOU TOOK. This is how apps on the UW work they are streamed in real-time as they are used and you’ll only get the sections you need at that point in time.

Q13 from Telegram user @Jmagsss

Do you plan to create a mobile version of your web?

Tom | Sentivate: Yes, and we also intend to support ARM devices which means IoT, smart watches, iPads, and other mobile devices. It’ll be done with swift for iOS devices.

Q14 from Telegram user @apocan99

Do you have a reward system for the users of Universal Web Browser?

Tom | Sentivate: Yes, there will be new bounties coming out over the next few months.

Q15 from Telegram user @Maksyrn

Anyone unfamiliar with technology with Internet access will be able to use Sentivate?

Jordy: Anyone will be able to use the Universal Web to browse whether they are familiar with technology. If you are using the Universal Web browser you are essentially using the tech.

Q16 from Telegram user @BlancaSdF

Your technology is awesome! But sometimes these technological changes require new infrastructure and new hardware. Does this apply to Sentivate?

Jordy: The heart of our tech is software networking, no major need for “hardware” per say. In the case of the Universal Web there will dedicated centralized hardware but the tech can be implemented to already existing hardware/networks.

Q17 from Telegram user @Beterror203

🖐How does Sentivate intend to adapt the blockchain-based decentralized Web 3.0 approach to the Defi system to solve solutions to the problems encountered?

Tom | Sentivate: To be accurate here we are not a “solely decentralized blockchain based Web 3.0” Web. The UW is centralized focused with decentralized components while Viat is decentralize focused with centralized components for backup.
With that said the integration is very tight nit and it gets down to the packet level. I’d wait for Viat to comprehend the full interoperability between the two.

Q18 from Telegram user @Brainchest

What role of your token will be in life of Hybrid network is it will be like Google adwords

Jordy: VIAT will play a crucial role in the Universal Web as it will act as a token for congestion control.

Q19 from Telegram user @jerryziz91

Could you please give us some metrics regarding your Hybrid Browser — how many users do you currently have?

Jordy: We don’t have a count for current users as the browser is still in beta, the heart of our tech and development is our network and protocols.

Q20 from Telegram user @K2ice

What plans do you have for Rust?

Tom | Sentivate: We intend to finalize our “recommended performance & security version” using Rust. When it comes to performance and security Rust is without a doubt the best option. However, the Node modules will also make use of Rust in the future and convert much of the code base over to it so that it may be used as a native module in Node and still get all the performance and security benefits out of it.

Q21 from Telegram user @jerryziz91

Would you consider browser projects such as BAT and DEC as your competitors or how would you relate yourself to these projects?

Jordy: It is hard to say that they are direct competitors and no one in the space is pursuing the approach we are taking, building from the ground up. As a matter of fact those projects could actually implement our technology to their own.

Q22 from Telegram user @Arisabela

What is most important por Sentivate at this point? Digital marketing or getting to new partnerships?

Jordy: We believe the greatest benefit would be to continue expansion of our partners that can use, implement, and supplement our technology. Marketing is a constant effort, mainly depends at the stage of development and whether it is relevant at the specific time.

Q23 from Telegram user @BboyForteVZLA

Why did you decide to choose the Octopus as your project logo? Does it have something to do with sentivate?


Q24 from Telegram user @Maksyrn

Has Sentivate always positioned itself as promoting DeFi since 2018?

Tom | Sentivate: Yes, it was prior actually. None the less we didn’t focus heavily on it at the time but we have things like a DECENTRALIZED ON-CHAIN EXCHANGE that would be essentially impossibly to take down unlike all other DEXs which use a domain and host front-end resources. Our on-chain DEX would be fully on-chain and couldn’t be taken down which means we have no control over it and users couldn’t be compromised so easily with say DNS or BGP attacks.

Q25 from Telegram user @surendra040

Does your project have threats and weakness?

Tom | Sentivate: We have less than both if properly utilized. It’s up to the user and the service to decide what combination and security measures you want to take. We simply provide you a framework to do it. Viat would be one of if not the most secure native cryptocurrency/network to date once at full operation.

Q26 from Telegram user @PaoloMonte87

What’s main competitive advantage of Value defi compared to its defi competitors in the crypto space

Value Whose:

Multiple strategies in place for Vaults is a key innovation that we currently have in place compared to Harvest and YFI playing catch up. This tech is available and this week there will be many more Vaults supporting different assets as well as a stable coin vault.

Q27 from Telegram user @PaoloMonte87

What’s main competitive advantage of Value defi compared to its defi competitors in the crypto space

Prod: At Value DeFi, we have several products under the one project/token. So instead of having to inefficiently go into several tokens for specific products, we offer them all, in one user friendly and safe project. Let us do all the work for you!

Q28 from Telegram user @AugusS7

You want this hybrid website to achieve that “Both sides of the coin work together to maximize the potential of the Internet”, if you want this project to be totally efficient and compact, then why use two different currencies ($ SNTVT and $ VIAT)? do you need to use both?

Tom | Sentivate: There is only 1 SNTVT and when the swap comes there will again only be 1 being Viat. The SNTVT will be burned during the swap. SNTVT was the most logical path for building adoption and support for the project and then bringing over those users to Viat. Being a ERC-20 token has many major advantages the first being anyone could easily make use of it and don’t require that you install all new software a simple easy to use chrome plugin is all that’s required. When that support is at a max we can then swap everyone over to Viat and there would be an incentive and need to swap.
We are exploring having other tokens on other blockchains to help interface between the two but that is still in talks and yet to be decided upon.

Q29 from Telegram user @me6calito

How is ValueDefi different from Balancer and what advantages does FaaS give?

Value Whose: Chi gas integration can save over 50% on gas fees, the minute a user adds liquidity on a FaaS pool such as Sentivate they start earning rewards immediately. Compared to Balancer and other projects who use Balancer pools for liquidity mining, the user will have to leave Balancer and stake the pool ownership tokens on a different platform. FaaS is all in one place available for any project to natively distribute tokens through liquidity mining without leaving the platform and saving fees with Chi gas integration.

For more questions since we are limited time we welcome you to the telegram chat and our discord server where we are more than happy to answer in more details!

Q30 from Telegram user @tolgaozek

I am living in a country where ICT government authority might block websites and make hard reaching websites through browsers. How will you deal regulators if needed?

Tom | Sentivate: The only regulator we intend on working with is the US Government. If they don’t block the site then it’ll be easily available via centralized DIS. If they do it may still be accessible via the decentralized DIS but it’s still possible to take down truly horrible content for example one that exploits human beings or is used for illegal gang or terrorist operations. However, we intend to only support the US Gov in filtering as they have a good track record over all and the legal landscape is much better when it comes to the sharing of information.

Q31 from Telegram user @Odino7

are there other pools available in the future?

Prod: Hi Odin, thanks for the question. We most definitely do have more pools coming to FaaS! Sentivate marked the beginning, opening the ‘flood gates’ into something very big. And the best part is that the FaaS platform allows for as many pools as we want! The more the better! More options and more rewards for our users.
I can confirm, that after the success of this partnership with Sentivate, we have many, many more lined up. Some of which are quite large and have massive influence and technological plans. We are very excited to work with all our potential partners.




Written by Sentivate

Sentivate is a hybrid web built to be a viable replacement for the modern web. Faster, safer, & more scalable than any solely centralized or decentralized web.

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